I'm writing in English, which is strange in itself since I really love my own language, Finnish, and since I detest the power position that the English language has in global communucation... but I'd get way too many complaints from American friends if I didn't write in a language comprehensible to them.

Feb 22, 2010

Today's rant

Poor husband. Since I always have something to rant on, and since he's the closest one, he has to listen to Theory I or Rant-On-Things-I-Really-Hate every day. He must be exhausted. To prove thisread following: I was laughing about a month ago when he wrote on his friends blog "It's cute how you think someone cares" - this seems to be his general thought about blogs. But today I was ranting about the criticism on Stephenie Meyer for some reason, and he said I should write a blog. A question arises: since nobody probably cares, why on earth should I write a blog? To save his ears?

I've thought about writing a blog earlier, mind you, as an immigrant to the United States - not at all a willing immigrant in fact - and as a Finn among Americans. Of course, thinking about it, there are many more things to comment on... Nobody identifies themselves only with their nationality, but there are many more things. So one by one I'll try to write about those Things.

Starting today. Today's Thing: Why write a blog in a world where too many blogs don't have any reason to exist. (Oh, I have no good answer...)


  1. excellent! never mind if nobody cares (although i am sure you know they - we - do!), blogging is therapeutic, it is journaling of one kind which is important for everybody (personal and maybe even family history).

    looking forward to your posts :)!

    mukavaa viikkoa, tuittu.

  2. I think blogs are very therapeutic. Diaries serve the same purpose but if there is something thought provoking to say, that is going to make others think about issues that they may not have considered, then blogs are brilliant. They open the road for intelligent debate.

  3. If they are tweets, does that mean you have a 144 character limit? Cause I think 144 characters isn't going to be long enough to make a substa

  4. Too true Manpace. Husband chose the name since my imagination did a full stop. He was all excited about the sound of it. But no, despite the name I won't limit myself.

  5. If these comments are tweets you should move your website to tuitter.com.

    But the domain's already taken.
